Picking Peaches

Picking Peaches

1924-02-02   •   Comédie, Animation   •   0h 22min

4.2 6 votes


Harry Langdon

A Shoe Clerk

Alberta Vaughn

Harry's Wife

Ethel Teare

Harry's Wife's Chum

Dot Farley

The Customer

Kewpie Morgan

The Customer's Detective Husband

Vernon Dent

The Store Manager


The Store Manager's Wife

Mary Akin

Bathing Beauty

Andy Clyde

Near-Sighted Shoe Customer

Jack Cooper

Beauty Contest Emcee

Alice Day

Store Secretary

Marceline Day

Bathing Beauty

Dorothy Dorr

Bathing Beauty

Cecille Evans

Contestant Who Makes Bad Dive

Evelyn Francisco

Bathing Beauty

Eugenia Gilbert

Bathing Beauty

Thelma Hill

Contestant With Blackened Tooth

Si Jenks

Beauty Contest Scorekeeper

Roger Moore

Beauty Contest Spectator

Leo Sulky

Fashion Show Judge

Elsie Tarron

Bathing Beauty

Gladys Tennyson

Bathing Beauty

Tiny Ward

Angry Man in Dressing Gown

Hazel Williams

Bathing Beauty


Erle C. Kenton

Erle C. Kenton

Liens sociaux


Titre d'origine

Picking Peaches



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