Homme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Kewpie Morgan.
1956-09-24 (64 ans)
Anna, Texas, USA
Horace Allen MorganHorace MorganHorace A. MorganHorace 'Kewpie' MorganAllen MorganCupid MorganH.A. MorganHorace Allen "Kewpie" Morgan
Les Trois Âges
The Emperor / Cave Man / Roman Thug
Drag Harlan
Red Linton
Wanted- A Home
Cal Morgan (as Horace 'Kewpie' Morgan)
Hell-Roarin' Reform
Bartender (as Cupid Morgan)
The Border Legion
Gorilla Gulden
A Capable Lady Cook
The Husband
A Beach Nut
Say Ah-h!
Les mendiants de la vie
Musclebound Music
Horace Reddish - The Wrestler
A Pirate Bold
The Flunky
Hayfoot, Strawfoot?
Noah Fish - Tailor / Sgt. Major
From Rags to Britches
Adam Benedict
Trimmed in Gold
Cactus Cal
Wandering Willies
'Rough' Rufus
Love's Last Laugh
Baron Kimmel
Asleep at the Switch
The Baggage Smasher
Sneezing Beezers
Gumboilski - Henchman
Butter Fingers
Daisy's Husband
The Paperhangers' Revenge
Whispering Whiskers
Madame Murino's Associate
Circus Today
Steve Skinner
The Cup of Fury
Flying Luck
The Sergeant
The Spieler
Ice Cold Cocos
Bull Dozer
Just a Good Guy
Gymnasium Jim
Jim's Assistant
The Dare-Devil
The Leading Man's Chief Support
Love and Doughnuts
The Baker's Assistant
The Heart Snatcher
Picking Peaches
The Customer's Detective Husband
When Summer Comes
The Guardian
On Patrol
The Police Captain
The Duck Hunter
The Sportsman's Boss
The Aviator
Sam Robinson
Sherlock Junior
Conspirator (uncredited)
The Better 'Ole
Gen. Stein (uncredited)
Cockeyed Cavaliers
Andrew - the Jailer
The Count Takes the Count
Henry - the Sheriff
Nip and Tuck
Fou comme un renard
Rotund Conductor (uncredited)
Stupid, but Brave
The Half-Back of Notre Dame
A Home Made Man
The Manager
The Poor Rich Cleaners
M.T. Dome
Step Forward
The Salesman's Assistant
Captain Kewpie
The Golden Age of Comedy
archive footage
The Scuttlers
The Cook
His Noisy Still
Be Reasonable
An Officer of the Law
L'Instinct qui veille
Bully in Bar
The Shriek of Araby
Cop on Horse
Laurel Et Hardy - Un jour une bergère
King Cole
La Femme et le Pantin
Coachman (uncredited)
Advertising Did It
Mr. Miller - Harriet's Father
Teasing a Tornado
A Species of Mexican Man
Atta Boy
What a Clue Will Do
The Child