2022-04-27 • Documentaire • 1h 33min
Leanna Sullivan
Jr. Journalist
Whitney Lemelin
Mark Stryker
Sam Katz
James McGovern
Gradually, Then Suddenly: The Bankruptcy of Detroit
Master of the Universe
Rendszerhiba - A magyar film el nem mondott története
Dobrý řidič Smetana
Fahrenheit 9/11
Roger et moi
Une vérité qui dérange
Michael Moore à TrumpLand
Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing
Tax Me If You Can
July '64
You've Been Trumped Too
How Every Film You Watch Tells You To Love The Rich and What To Do About It
Better Off Dead?
Freedom Isn't Free — The Freedom Charter Today
The Victory Squad
History on the Run: The Media and the '79 Election
Encontro com Milton Santos ou O Mundo Global Visto do Lado de Cá
Don't Be a Sucker!
Entre deux vagues
La Sixième Face du Pentagone