1979-01-01 • Guerre, Documentaire • 0h 36min
James R. Schlesinger
Clarence R. Autery
Fleming B. Fuller
First Strike
Quand souffle le vent
Atomic Café
La Bombe
1983, au bord de l'apocalypse
Nuclear Rescue 911: Broken Arrows & Incidents
Nuclear Nightmares
World War Four
Guerre froide, l'homme qui sauva le monde
The Man Who Saved the World
Nuclear War: A Scenario
Atomic Pilgrimage: Ghost Towns, Nuclear Relics, and Lost Civilizations on the Road to the Trinity Site
After the Big One: Nuclear War on the Prairies
The Neutron Bomb
Operations in Public Shelters
Public Shelter Supplies: What Does The Government Supply
Your Chance to Live: Nuclear Disaster
11 Steps to Survival
Information Program Within Public Shelters
Atomic: History Of The A-Bomb