Pitcher and the Pin-Up

Pitcher and the Pin-Up

2003-06-14   •   Drame, Action, Familial   •   1h 44min

6.2 7 votes


Corinna Harney

Melissa Curtis (as Corinna Harney-Jones)

Drew Johnson

Danny Foster

David A. Burr

Paul Ford (as David Alan Burr)

Ashleigh Synder

Young Melissa Curtis

Ryan Sparks

Young Danny Foster

Chris Stanley

Radio Voice (voice)

Jake Torem

D.J. Voice (voice)

Donald Turner

John Thomas

Robert Blomstrom

Guy in Car with Joey

John Saxon

Michael Curtis

Emerald Rachael Godfrey

Rachel (as Emerald Godfrey)

Debbie McLeod

Karen Foster

Darin Kuhlmann

TV Baseball Announcer

David Giammarco

Canadian Scout

Ibrahim Muhammad

Young John Thomas

Jerry Ludlam

Little League Ump

Donna Baldwin

Carole Curtis

Ethel Robins Richards

High School Teacher

Dave Brinkley

Eulogy V.O. (voice) (as Pastor Dave Brinkley)

Corey Page

Vince Taylor

Leonard Gainey

High School Ump

Paul Burr

High School Coach

Randy Sutton

Joe (as Randy L. Sutton)

Stephen Bishop

Tyrell Hunt

Bo Hopkins

Coach Stangel

Michael Quill

Coach Fisk

Tom Westbrook

Jeff Walker

Lamont Holmes

Lamont Jordon

David Osokow

Casey Schwartzmann (as Dave Osokow)

Stan Morse

Carlos Rodriguez

Mark Parrish

Rob Martinez

Mark Herscovitz

Stadium Announcer

Wilford Brimley

Coach Weaver

Paul Kent

Coach Dale


Drew Johnson

Drew Johnson

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Titre d'origine

Pitcher and the Pin-Up

