Daniel Solwold Jr.
Austin Aries
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
Samoa Joe
Michael Verdi
Trent Acid
Rick Diaz
Ricky Reyes
John R. Rivera
Rocky Romero
Phil Brooks
CM Punk
Scott Colton
Colt Cabana
Chuck Williams
The Rockin' Rebel
Mark Pugh
Mark Briscoe
Jamin Pugh
Jay Briscoe
Brandon Silvestry
Low Ki
Nelson Rodriguez Erazo
Charles Scaggs
Too Cold Scorpio
Jamar Shipman
Jay Lethal
Patrick Martin
Alex Shelley
Danny Lopez
Dan Maff
Benjamin Whitmer
BJ Whitmer
Christopher Lindsey
Roderick Strong
Steven Haworth
Nigel McGuinness
John Stagikas
John Walters
ROH: Testing The Limit