2007-12-31 • Documentaire • 1h 47min
David Mack
Terry Moore
Greg Jurls
The Alchemy of Art: David Mack
La constellation Jodorowsky
Boiled Angels: The Trial of Mike Diana
The Image Revolution
Legends of the Knight
Chris Claremont's X-Men
Future Shock! The Story of 2000AD
Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Comic Book Confidential
Bons baisers de la planète Schtroumpf
Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods
Moebius Redux: une vie en images
Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked
The Mindscape of Alan Moore
Seth's Dominion
Celebrating Marvel's Stan Lee
Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters & Marvels
Vozes que Desenham: Edição Zine!
She Makes Comics
Tintin et moi
Behind the Mask: The Batman Dead End Story