1949-07-09 • Documentaire • 0h 8min
James A. FitzPatrick
Narrator (voice)
Roaming Through Northern Ireland
Irlande du Nord - Des photos qui ont marqué l’histoire
Serene Siam
Rocky Mountain Grandeur
Indian Durbar
The Endless Summer
Beyond Borders
Memories of Australia
Land of the Mayas
Visiting Virginia
From Liverpool to Stratford
In the Land of Giants and Pygmies
7and7is Una Vez Por La Vida
St. Helena and Its 'Man of Destiny'
Madeira: 'Isle of Romance'
Egyptian Bullock-Pump Drawing Water
Sitka and Juneau: 'A Tale of Two Cities'
Old New Mexico
Glimpses of Kentucky
Shrines of Yucatan
Glimpses of Guatemala