2008-09-01 • Documentaire • 0h 52min
Gadalla Gubara
Frederique Cifuentes
Cinema in Sudan: Conversations with Gadalla Gubara
A Joking Relationship
To Make a Comedy Is No Fun
Der lange Weg ans Licht
Nos Interstícios da Realidade, ou O Cinema de António de Macedo
Song from the Forest
N/um Tchai: The Ceremonial Dance of the !Kung Bushmen
La Panthère
Darfur Now
Fernando Birri, el utópico andante
Jorge Prelorán, el cine de un humanista
Mabu: Saving the Secret Forest
Visages, villages
Africa Light / Gray Zone
Serbie, année zéro
When We Were Kings
Les Enfants de l'Exil
Iron Fists and Kung Fu Kicks
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