2009-08-13 • Documentaire • 1h 35min
John Frazier
Earl Hatley
Bob Nairn
Mark Osborn
John Sparkman
Matt Myers
Tar Creek
Une vérité qui dérange
O Começo da Vida 2: Lá Fora
Poros Stands
Frogs: The Thin Green Line
Toorumi Pojad
Träume der Lausitz
Chernobyl Heart
Cowspiracy: Le Secret de la durabilité
Mother Earth
Legacy, notre héritage
The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream
Do it Yourself
Anticosti: La chasse au pétrole extrême
Empty Oceans, Empty Nets
Another World
What Lies Upstream
The Smog of the Sea
How the West Was One