Bernard Laufer
Himself - Holocaust Survivor
Emil Bednarek
Himself - Auschwitz Guard
Wilhelm Boger
Himself - Auschwitz Guard
Arthur Breitwieser
Himself - Auschwitz Disinfectant Officer
Victor Capesius
Himself - Auschwitz Druggist
Mr. Dreckmann
Himself - Holocaust Survivor
Zenon Gotaszewski
Himself - Holocaust Survivor
Glyn Hughes
Himself - British Army, Liberator of Belsen
Oswald Kaduk
Himself - Auschwitz Guard
Josef Klehr
Himself - Auschwitz Guard
Dr. Kurzge
Himself - Holocaust Saviour
Joachim Kügler
Himself - Prosecutor
Joey Laufer
Himself - Son of Survivor
Erik Lüth
Himself - Remorseful German
Erika Millay
Herself - Holocaust Survivor
Robert Mulka
Himself - Auschwitz Adjutant
Norbert Prager
Himself - Holocaust Survivor, Funeral
Josef Rosensaft
Himself - Holocaust Survivor
Giuseppe Saragat
Himself - President of Italy
Willi Schatz
Himself - Auschwitz Dentist
Johann Schoberth
Himself - Auschwitz Gestapo
Klara Silbernik
Herself - Holocaust Survivor
Herbert Weichmann
Himself - Jewish Mayor of Hamburg
Peter Weiss
Himself - Playwright
Simon Wiesenthal
Himself - Nazi Hunter