Homme • Directing
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Alan Davis.
2008-05-23 (16 ans)
Los Angeles, CA
Keith Davis
Hunt for the Simple Dimple Part 1: The Simple Dimple
Jarious Goldbug
Hunt for the Simple Dimple Part 2: The Gronkle Donkle
Highbrow Frenzy
Hunt for the Simple Dimple Part 3: The House
Hunt for the Simple Dimple Part 4: The Beach Episode!
Unnamed Friend
Hunt for the Simple Dimple Part 5: Resurgence
Arthur Carver / Boon (Roblox)
Reflections Upon the Murders of our World
Jarious Goldbug / Highbrow Frenzy / C-Peezy / Unnamed Friend
Boons Log!
Boon (Roblox)
Arthur Carver / John Jenkins / Attacked man
Alan Davis
Dilema de Cazador
The Origins of the Myth Discovery Association - 2
Alan Kenton
The Origins of the Myth Discovery Association - 1
Alan Kenton / John Jenkins
The Origins of the Myth Discovery Association - 3
The Origin of the Myth Discovery Association - 4
The Calculator Kid
Evil Friend
The Winslow Fulke Story
Saltituding Crumb / Arthur Carver / Jarious Goldbug / Highbrow Frenzy
the dilemma between peace and bam - Bipli Bam (MUSIC VIDEO MOVIE)
Ghost Mask