Femme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Milla Johansson.
Ulla YohannenInger M. JohanssonUlla JohannsenMilla Johansonn
Amiche: andiamo alla festa
Blonde girl from Trieste (credited)
Mes chers amis
Titti's lesbian lover (uncredited)
Double plaisir
Waitress (uncredited)
Le Cynique, l'infâme, le violent
Wife of Di Maggio (uncredited)
Cassiodoro il più duro del pretorio
Prostitute (uncredited)
La violenza: Quinto potere
Blonde woman with Verzi (uncredited)
La peur au ventre
The first victim (uncredited)
Io e lui
Party guest (uncredited)
Histoire d'aimer
Quelle strane occasioni
Fluffer (uncredited) (episodio "Italian Superman")
Un flic hors-la-loi
Woman in the bar (uncredited)
Ce Coquin De Viking Qui Vient Du Sud
Delitto d'autore
Girl at the orgy (uncredited)
La Carrière d'une femme de chambre
Maschio latino cercasi
Naked woman in the display window (uncredited)
Candido erotico
Spectator at sex show (uncredited)
Proibito erotico
Masseuse (as Ulla Yohannen)
Emanuelle e le porno notti nel mondo n. 2
Blonde Stripper (uncredited)
Ettore lo fusto
Blonde girl (uncredited)
Un fiocco nero per Deborah
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
Model who finds Franco and Ciccio hiding (uncredited)
Girl at the nightclub (uncredited)
Finché c'è guerra c'è speranza
Hostess (uncredited)
Black Emanuelle autour du monde
Harem Girl (uncredited)
Le tue mani sul mio corpo
Tre donne - L'automobile
Woman by the restaurant entrance (uncredited)
Meurtre par intérim
Tennis match spectator (uncredited)
Black Emanuelle en Amérique
Zodiac Girl #4 (uncredited)
The Sicilian Connection
German girl (uncredited)
Naked woman at Elena's house (uncredited)
Sesso in testa
modella per foto porno (uncredited)
La sorprendente eredità del tontodimammà
Topless girl at the party
Il mondo porno di due sorelle
Girl at the brothel (uncredited)
Girl who is drained of blood (uncredited)
Une poignée de salopards
Naked German woman with machine-gun (uncredited)
Mondo Cane 2000 - L'incredibile
Woman treated for frigidity (uncredited)
Miele di donna
One of the ballerinas at the hotel (uncredited)
Play Motel
Woman Having Sex with Motel Client (uncredited)
Mia moglie è una strega
Stock trader (uncredited)
Sei iellato amico, hai incontrato Sacramento
Saloon girl
Liebes Lager
Concentration Camp Prisoner
La Cabine des amoureux
La donna nuda bionda (uncredited)