Femme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Miranda Ilissa.
1994-05-26 (30 ans)
Houston, Texas, USA
Miranda 1Miranda Miranda AlizeMiranda Salinas
ROW Ladies Night Out 8
Miranda Alize
RISE 9: RISE Of The Knockouts
RISE Wrestling 14: Luminous
RISE 8: Outback
ROH: Supercard of Honor 2023: Zero Hour
ROH: Final Battle 2021 Preshow
IMPACT Wrestling: No Surrender 2022
ROH: Supercard of Honor XV Pre Show
Sabotage Wrestling Presents She's On It
Warrior Wrestling 24
RISE 7: Sensation
Stardom Queen's Fest
Stardom 7th Anniversary
ROW Ladies Night Out 9
ROW Ladies Night Out 6
AEW Dark