Homme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Michael Bell.
1938-07-30 (86 ans)
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Mike Bell
Scooby-Doo's Original Mysteries
(voice) (archive footage)
Alvin et les chipmunks contre Frankenstein
Dr. Frankenstein (voice)
Transformers, le film
Prowl / Scrapper / Swoop / Junkion (voice)
Transformers - Le cosmitron
Scooby-Doo: Mystery in Motion
Mark (voice) (archive footage)
Le Toboggan de la mort
Les Razmoket rencontrent les Delajungle
Drew Pickles / Charles 'Chaz' Finster, Sr. (voice)
The Heist
John Cadisky
L'incroyable voyage II : À San Francisco
Stokey (voice)
Scooby-Doo ! et le monstre du Loch Ness
Duncan MacGubbin / Mcintyre (voice)
Daniel Boone
Les Razmoket, le film
Charles 'Chaz' Finster Sr. / Grandpa Boris Kropotkin / Drew Pickles (voice)
Les Razmoket à Paris, le film
Drew Pickles / Chaz Finster, Sr. (voice)
G.I. Joe : Le film
Duke / Xamot / Blowtorch / Lift Ticket (voice)
The Smurfs: Baby's First Christmas
Grouchy / Handy Smurf (voice)
Butch (voice)
G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobra
Duke / Major Bludd / Clutch / Blowtorch (voice)
A Wish for Wings That Work
Opus the Penguin (voice)
Les malheurs de Heidi
Willie (voice)
Mina and the Count: Interlude with a Vampire
Dad (voice)
Brother John
Go West, Young Girl
À la recherche de Noël
Honey Bear (voice)
Betty Boop's Hollywood Mystery
Voltron: Fleet of Doom
Sven / Lance / Viceroy Throk
Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
My Soul to Take
Podcast Guest
Inhumanoids: The Movie
Eddie 'Auger' Auguter / Blackthorne Shore (voice)
Les Razmoket : Les Contes de la crèche - Blanche-Neige
Chas / Archer (voice)
Adventures in Odyssey: Escape from the Forbidden Matrix
Old Gregory
Take Your Best Shot
Fast Company
Chuck Randall
Davy Crockett on the Mississippi
Honeysuckle / Settler (voice)
Robotix - Le Film
Kontor / Lupus / Traxis / Venturak (voices)
The Hurrying Kind
Les Liaisons coupables
Little Theatre Apprentice (uncredited)
Thunder Alley
Mon Petit Poney, Le Film
Grundle (voice)
Les nanas jouent et gagnent
Then Came Bronson
The Proud Rider
See the Man Run
The Smurfs Springtime Special
Grouchy Smurf (voice)
The Smurfic Games
Handy Smurf / Lazy Smurf / Argus (voice)
My Smurfy Valentine
Transformers: 40th Anniversary Event
Prowl (voice)
Star Fairies
Freddy Flawless / Frump / Spectre (voice)
Oliver and the Artful Dodger
The Artful Dodger / Fishmonger (voice)
The Ugly Duckling
The Fox (voice)
The Smurfs Christmas Special
Le Point de non-retour
2nd Penthouse Lobby Guard
Le Petit Prince des Trolls
The President's Mistress
The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye
Sideswipe / Prowl
G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!
Duke / Xamot / Lift Ticket / Scrap-Iron (voice)
Tongues Untied
Rugrats: All Growed Up
Drew Pickles/Charles 'Chaz' Finster, Sr. (voice)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
Duke / Clutch / Major Bludd / Dr. Vandermeer (voice)
Summer of '63
Dr. Monk Monahan
A Rugrats Vacation
Drew Pickles / Chas Finster
Additional Voices (voice)
War Is Hell
Terreur en Milieu Hostile
Hoppy (voice)
Too Young to Love
Subway in the Sky
Rugrats: Babies in Toyland
Chas Finster / Drew Pickles (voice)
GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords
Slimestone / Granite / Narligator (voice)
Smurfily Ever After
Handy Smurf (voice)
Cars : Quatre roues
Tom et Jerry, le film
Ferdinand / Straycatcher #1 (voice)
A Rugrats Chanukah
Chas Finster / Boris Kropotkin (voice)
A Rugrats Passover
Drew Pickles / Chas Finster / Boris Kropotkin (voice)
The Flintstones: Hollyrock a Bye Baby
Mr. Pyrite (voice)
Monk Monahan
Les nouvelles aventures de Fifi Brindacier
Animal Effects (voice)
Scooby-Doo ! à Hollywood
Jesse Rotten / V.P. Jackie Carlson (voice)
A Clear and Present Danger
Elliot Morse
Scooby-Doo ! et les pirates
The Smurfs Halloween Special
Little Nemo: Les aventures au pays de Sluberland
Oompy (voice)
The B.B. Beegle Show
B.B. Beagle
The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle
The Pillow People Save Christmas
Little People Video - Favorite Songs
Little People Video - Three Favorite Stories
The Past, Present, & Future of Soul Reaver
Self / Raziel
The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I. Joe
Romeo and Smurfette
Handy Smurf / Grouchy Smurf (Voice)
Rockin' with Judy Jetson
La ferme se rebelle
Razbitume !
Six pieds sous terre
Le Plein de Super
Les Enquêtes de Remington Steele
SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
Les Griffin
Voltron : Défenseur de l'Univers
Star Trek : La Nouvelle Génération
Le Défi Des Gobots
Les Grandes Rencontres de Scooby-Doo
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
Frisky Dingo
Sur la piste du crime
Les Tiny Toons
Mighty Max
Gargoyles, les anges de la nuit
Sonic the Hedgehog
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.
Disney's tous en boîte
Les Rues de San-Francisco
Super Baloo
Myster Mask
Drôles de dames
Les deux font la paire
The Centurions
Les Razmoket
Vivre à trois
Mancuso, F.B.I.
Les Snorky
Night Gallery
La Bande à Picsou
Max la Menace
Rick Hunter, inspecteur choc
L'Incroyable Hulk
L'Homme de fer
The Monkees
Voltron: The Third Dimension
Sur la piste des cheyennes
Mina and the Count
Sauve qui peut
Ici bébé
Tarzan and the Super 7
Police Story
Space Stars
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show
The World's Greatest Super Friends
The All-New Super Friends Hour
The Incredible Hulk
Rubik, the Amazing Cube
The Freedom Force
La Grande Vallée
Jane de la jungle
Speed Buggy
Here Come the Brides
Spiral Zone
Challenge of the Super Friends
Plastic Man
Harold Robbins' The Survivors
Sab Rider
Sir Francis Drake, Le corsaire de la reine
The Houndcats
Garbage Island
Commander Cork
Joe Forrester
Ghost Story
G.I. Joe : Héros Sans Frontières
Batman : La Série animée
G.I. Joe: Renegades
La Ligue des justiciers
X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men
Les Schtroumpfs
Knights of the Kitchen Table
Scooby-Doo et Scrappy-Doo
Galtar and the Golden Lance
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
What a Cartoon!
200 dollars plus les frais
Tic et Tac, les rangers du risque
Star Wars Rebels
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
La bande à Picsou
Droopy Détective
Temperatures Rising
Balour Et Balu
Mission : Impossible
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Tom et Jerry Kids
Oh Yeah! Cartoons
Les Pierrafeu