Homme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Nobuhiko Oshima.
1977-11-15 (47 ans)
Osaka, Japan
CIMACIMA NobunagaSHIIMAShiima NobunagaJushin Thunder CIMATam Pong
DGUSA Enter The Dragon
DGUSA Untouchable 2009
Hana Kimura Memorial Show
DGUSA Open The Ultimate Gate 2011
AAA Triplemania VIII
JTO TAKA Michinoku Debut 30th Anniversary: TAKATaichiDespeMania
PWG: Kurt Russellreunion III
PWG: Guerre Sans Frontières
Dragon Gate USA: Enter the Dragon 2013
PWG: 2006 Battle of Los Angeles - Night One
PWG: 2006 Battle of Los Angeles - Night Three
PWG: DDT4 - Night One
PWG: DDT4 - Night Two
PWG: 2007 Battle of Los Angeles - Night Three
PWG: 2007 Battle of Los Angeles - Night Two
PWG: All Star Weekend 6 - Night One
PWG: All Star Weekend 6 - Night Two
Dragon Gate USA: Untouchable 2009
Dragon Gate USA: Open the Historic Gate
Dragon Gate USA: Fearless
Dragon Gate USA: Open the Ultimate Gate
Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising
Dragon Gate USA: Open the Untouchable Gate
Dragon Gate USA: Open the Freedom Gate
AEW Double or Nothing
AEW Fight for the Fallen
Dragon Gate USA: Uprising
Dragon Gate USA: Open The Northern Gate
ROH: Dragon Gate Challenge
ROH: Better Than Our Best
ROH: Supercard of Honor
The Many Adventures of El Generico
AJ Styles: Styles Clash
ROH: Year 5
Danielson vs The World
ROH: Japan's Finest
ROH: Top 100 Matches, Vol 2
PWG Sells Out: Volume 1
PWG Sells Out: Volume 2
PWG: 2018 Battle of Los Angeles - Stage One
PWG: 2018 Battle of Los Angeles - Stage Two
Dragon Gate USA Uprising 2012
Dragon Gate USA Fearless 2012
DGUSA Bushido: Code of the Warrior
DGUSA Bushido: Code of the Warrior 2013
Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight 2012
Dragon Gate USA Untouchable 2012
Dragon Gate USA Open The Golden Gate
Dragon Gate USA Enter The Dragon 2011: Second Anniversary Celebration
Dragon Gate USA Mercury Rising 2013
Dragon Gate USA Untouchable 2010
Dragon Gate USA Enter The Dragon 2013: Fourth Anniversary Celebration
Dragon Gate USA Bushido 2011: Code of the Warrior
Dragon Gate USA United: NYC
Dragon Gate USA Way of the Ronin
Dragon Gate USA Enter the Dragon 2010
Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight 2010
Dragon Gate USA REVOLT! 2011
WRESTLE-1 TOUR 2018 SHINING WINTER 12.26 Korakuen Hall
Dragon Gate USA Untouchable 2011
SPW vs. OWE: Oriental Storm
Dragon Gate USA United: Philly
Dragon Gate USA United: Finale
Dragon Gate USA Open The Southern Gate
Dragon Gate USA Open the Ultimate Gate 2013
Dragon Gate USA Mercury Rising 2012
Dragon Gate USA Heat
DDT Ryōgoku Peter Pan 2018: Fall Pro-Wrestling Cultural Festival
Dragon Gate USA Way of the Ronin 2011
Dragon Gate USA Uprising 2011
ROH: International Challenge
All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite
AEW Dark