Autre • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Marc Dionne.
1989-01-25 (36 ans)
Victoriaville, Québec, Canada
Player DosStupefiedZombiefiedStu GraysonStu DosGenerico Dos
ROH: Supercard of Honor 2023: Zero Hour
Stu Grayson
Chikara King Of Trios 2009 - Night 2
Player Dos
CHIKARA We Must Eat Michigan's Brain
CHIKARA Three-Fisted Tales
Smash Wrestling Smashapalooza 2014
ROH: Death Before Dishonor 2023
Smash Rival Schools 2014
CHIKARA A World Of Comforting Illusions
EVOLVE 10 - A Tribute To The Arena
OWE Toronto Day 1, Episode 3
PWG: Mystery Vortex
PWG: World's Finest
PWG: Death To All But Metal
PWG: Threemendous III
PWG: The Perils of Rock n' Roll Decadence
CHIKARA A Touch of Class
CHIKARA The Mint Condition
PWG Dink
AEW x NJPW Present Forbidden Door: Zero Hour
EVOLVE 6: Aries vs. Taylor
EVOLVE 9: Gargano vs. Taylor
AEW All Out
AEW Revolution: The Buy In
AEW Revolution
Mr Wrestling: The Kevin Steen Story
American Wolves: The Hunt Never Dies
The Kevin Steen Show: Super Smash Bros.
AEW Fyter Fest
Dragon Gate USA Uprising 2012
Dragon Gate USA Fearless 2012
ROH: Aries Vs. Richards
ROH: The Omega Effect
Dragon Gate USA Untouchable 2012
Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight 2012
Dragon Gate USA Mercury Rising 2013
Dragon Gate USA Open the Ultimate Gate 2013
AEW Winter is Coming
CHIKARA Faded Scars and Lines
Chris Jericho's 30th Anniversary Celebration
AEW Road Rager
C4 Wrestling Presents The Beyond
Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling - Forged In Excellence Night 1
Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling - Forged In Excellence Night 2
AEW Unrestricted
The Good, the Bad, and the Elite
Ring of Honor Wrestling
All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite
AEW Dark
AEW Dark: Elevation