Homme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour M.J. Murchison.
1887-05-28 (137 ans)
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
The Stolen Engine
Mike Keenan - Red's Pal
The Death Train
Broden - Doyle's Pal
The Flying Freight's Captive
Fllint - a Yeggman
The Broken Circuit
Nashman - the Baggagemaster
The Red Signal
Track Walker
The Girl at Lone Point
Frisco Tommy - Yeggman
The Fate of Number One
Garibaldi - Head of the Black Hand Gang
The Watertank Plot
Saratoga Johnny - Dorgan's Accomplice
A Test of Courage
Orkanz - a Yeggman
A Mile a Minute
Frintz - Yeggman
The Hazards of Helen Ep33: In Danger's Path
Spud Doyle - Yeggman
The Pay Train
The Leap from the Water Tower
Hanson - Line Repairman