Femme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Ann Little.
1984-05-21 (93 ans)
Mount Shasta, California, USA
Anna LittleMary Hankins Brooks
The Squaw Man
Nan of the North
Custer's Last Fight
The Indian Maiden's Lesson
Red Feather
The Lucky Card
The Puncher's New Love
Kate Bowers
Old Mammy's Secret Code
The Sign of the Snake
Moon Chew
The Outcast
Taluta, the Sioux Chief's Daughter
The House of Silence
Toinette Rogers
The Man from Funeral Range
Janice Williams
Rimrock Jones
Mary Fortune
Believe Me, Xantippe
Dolly Kamman
The Firefly of France
Esme Falconer
The Source
Svea Nord
Less Than Kin
Nellie Reid
Alias Mike Moran
Elaine Debaux
His Heroine
The Blue Fox
Ann Calvin
The Eagle's Talons
Enid Markham
The Pilgrim
Nita Dudley
Past Redemption
Nell Howe
The Cradle of Courage
Rose Tierney
The Greatest Menace
Velma Wright
Lightning Bryce
Kate Arnold
The Heart of an Indian
The Indian mother
The Roaring Road
Dorothy Ward, the Cub
Excuse My Dust
Dorothy Ward Walden
The Silent Master
The Black Box
Lenora MacDougal (as Anna Little)
On Secret Service
Nugget Jim's Pardner
Madge Keith (as Anna Little)
The Lieutenant's Last Fight
Indian Girl
The Post Telegrapher
Eva Reynolds - the Colonel's Daughter
The Invaders
Sky Star
Damon and Pythias
Square Deal Sanderson
Mary Bransford
The Battle of Gettysburg
Virginia Burke
Land O' Lizards
Bobbie Moore
Nan of Music Mountain
Nan Morgan
A Flickering Light
The Courtin' of Calliope Clew
Prudence Matthews
Immediate Lee