Homme • Acting
Aucune biographie n'a été rédigée pour Sidney Drew.
1919-04-09 (55 ans)
New York City, New York, USA
Sidney White Drew
A Regiment of Two
Ira Wilton
Flicker Flashbacks #2
The Feudists
First Husband, Mr. Smith
A Florida Enchantment
Dr. Frederick Cassadene
Too Clever by Half
Mr. Newlywed
The Story of a Glove
Mr. Huggins
Fox Trot Finesse
Ferdie Crosby
Her Anniversaries
Henry Mason
By Might of His Right
The Professional Patient
Goodness Gracious
His Wife Knew About It
Paul Pantomus
The Deceivers
Mr. Simpkins
A Horseshoe for Luck
Mr. Sidney Edwards
A Telegraphic Tangle
John Smithers
The Professional Scapegoat
Wimperis - the scapegoat
Beautiful Thoughts
Henry Latimer
A Case of Eugenics
A Safe Investment
Charley Sharp
Jerry's Mother-in-Law
Jerry Brown
A Lesson in Jealousy
Henry - the Husband
The Master Painter
John Marshall
A Close Resemblance
Nothing to Wear
Twelve Good Hens and True
The Unmarried Look
Safety First
Lest We Forget
Miss Sticky-Moufie-Kiss
Wade Buchanan
Boobley's Baby
Auntie's Portrait
Henry Honeypet
Wanted, a Nurse
J. Robert Orr
How John Came Home
John Jones
His First Tooth
Pa Hornby
Playing Dead
James Blagwin
Diplomatic Henry
Henry Newlywed
Pay Day
Kirke Brentwood
The Homecoming of Henry
Henry Hannibal